Saturday, February 6, 2010

Carbon14 $50,000 Environment Award

Today, Ashton, Blake, Polly, Amy, Marcos, Alex, Sean (our fabulous SIFE representative) and I all met at the University to practice the 1-minute movie we're filming next week to enter into Carbon14's Environment Award contest. It looks like the video is really going to be great, and it's due by February 28th. Once all entries have been submitted on the 28th, voting will begin. So, here is a link to the website: Carbon14 Environment Award. A round of voting will commence, and the top 20 videos will be reviewed by the judges. After that, there will be five videos to vote on, and the winner of that round will receive the award. So don't forget to vote for us! I really do think we have a fair chance, our video is informative and entertaining (at least in my opinion).

In other news, we'll be starting our exciting waste audit on Monday -- for about a month, we will be collecting food waste from the different restaurants in the Student Union and weighing it to try and get a good estimate for how much food waste we'll need to plan for. Once we have that number, we will be able to submit it and the business plan to the university administration, who will (hopefully) then allow us to buy a composting unit. Woohoo!

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